

Since 1990 Flex products have been the result of continuous research to ensure the highest quality and performance. The attention to details together with the passion to create every single element as well as the satisfaction of our clients are our business cards. Design, Quality, Innovation and Production are strictly Made in Italy.

About us

How can confidentiality be ensured when using public counters? The answer to this question, identifying a need yet to be met by the Italian market, led to the creation of the original TENDIFLEX post in the early 1990s.
From then onwards the FLEX brand was known in Italy for this unprecedented solution, and resulted in the registered trademark TENDIFLEX, which became synonymous with retractable belt posts necessary for managing privacy in public places. In a continually changing society affected by social and technological dynamics that are always evolving, safeguarding privacy has acquired new meaning and is of paramount importance. Maintaining confidentiality has become an increasingly delicate matter alongside managing public places. In its almost 30-year history, TENDIFLEX has kept pace with developing standards of quality and functionality, and has become a trailblazer in dictating new trends. Creative Italian design has produced stylish, appealing and robust solutions, and incorporated a communicative function into classic retractable belt posts, making them a multi-purpose solution essential in every setting.

Research and Development

Research and development inevitably play a preponderant role in a company that makes its products starting from the made in Italy design, and that creates new ones following the wishes and needs of the customer. Our experts study how to make products more and more performing, resistant, aesthetically pleasing and flexible at a functional level. Each component is subjected to special tests to ascertain its strength and durability, evaluating various materials and finishes according to specific needs. The results then pass under analysis to offer our customers the best that the market can present.

Via G. Bargnani 11 – 25135 – Brescia – Italy  – Tel: +39-030-353.1005  – Fax: +39-030-353.1022  – E-mail: info@flex.it
Information relating to the processing of personal data of customers / suppliers

© 2021 Flex srl – P.I. (VAT) 03109290175