
Information relating to the processing of personal data of customers / suppliers

1 Data controller

FLEX SRL, in its capacity as Data Controller, informs you that EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (so-called GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196/2003 s.m.i. regulate the protection of personal data. FLEX SRL bases its data processing on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and necessity, as required by the aforementioned legislation. 

 To this end, pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR, we provide you with the following information:

2 Object of the treatment 

The treatment we intend to carry out concerns your personal data, as defined by the GDPR, of which we are or of which we will become aware by virtue of the legal relationships with you in place.

3 Purpose and Legal Basis of the Treatment

The processing of your data has the following purposes: carrying out of administrative and management activities, in compliance with the fulfillment of accounting, tax obligations, and any other obligation imposed by current legislation; fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations with you; commercial and marketing activities; sending the newsletter.

 Pursuant to art. 6 par. 1 letter b) and c) of the GDPR, the legal basis for the processing carried out for the purposes referred to in point 3 lett. a) and b) is given by the execution of the contract or pre-contractual measures and by the fulfillment of legal obligations. The provision of data is mandatory; failure to provide data will make it impossible for us to fulfill and comply with the commitments undertaken and deriving from the relationships established.

In accordance with the provisions of art. 6 par. 1 letter a) of the GDPR, the legal basis for the processing carried out for the purposes referred to in lett. c) and d) corresponds to the consent given by the interested party. The granting of consent is optional and, in its absence, it will not be possible to carry out the indicated activities. In any case, the consent given can always be revoked, without the revocation could prejudice the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation itself. The communications relating to marketing activities may take place through the use of telematic methods (e.g. e-mail).

If you are already our customers, we will be able to send you commercial communications relating to services similar to those you are already using, except for your dissent (art.130 c.4 of the Privacy Code).

4 Processing methods

The data processing may consist in their collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction, according to the provisions of art. 4 no. 2) of the GDPR. It can be carried out both with the use of paper support and with the aid of electronic, IT and telematic tools, in a manner and with suitable tools to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. In particular, all technical and organizational measures appropriate to data protection will be adopted in order to satisfy the legal requirements and to protect the rights of the interested parties.

Starting from their reception and / or updating, the data will be kept for a suitable period with respect to the purposes of the processing. For more information regarding the data retention times, write to privacy@flex.it. 

5 Communication and data transfer 

Your data, object of the treatment, will not be disclosed; on the other hand, for the purposes referred to in point 3, they may be communicated to third parties, including commercial partners, consultants and freelancers, banks and credit institutions, insurance companies, financial companies, leasing companies, services, credit management and recovery companies. , auditors, public bodies, audit or supervisory bodies, to fulfill obligations deriving from the law, regulations, community regulations or for aspects concerning the management and execution of the legal relationship with you that exists or has taken place. 

Your data will be processed by the following subjects: Employees / Collaborators of the Company, who operate as persons authorized to process data according to the tasks performed and adequately trained. 

Data processors pursuant to art. 28 GDPR. The list of data processors is available at the registered office of FLEX SRL 

For all the purposes indicated in this statement, your data may also be communicated abroad, within and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by current legislation. 

6 Rights of the interested party 

It should be noted that, in your capacity as interested parties, you can ask at any time:

a) access to your personal data;

b) their correction in case of inaccuracy; 

c) the cancellation of the data referable to you;

d) the limitation of the treatment;

e) the right to object to the processing of your data where the conditions exist;

d) the right to data portability, i.e. to receive the personal data provided in a structured format commonly used and readable by an automatic device.

We also inform you that, pursuant to art. 13 par. 2 lett. d) of the GDPR, the interested parties may lodge a complaint with the Competent Authority.

Although not expressly provided for by the provisions referred to herein, please refer in full to the legislation in force on the subject of Privacy and specifically to Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of the GDPR.

For further explanations about this information or any privacy issue, or if you wish to exercise your rights, you can contact privacy@flex.it

Via G. Bargnani 11 – 25135 – Brescia – Italy  – Ph: +39-030-353.1005  – Fax: +39-030-353.1022  – E-mail: info@flex.it
Information relating to the processing of personal data of customers / suppliers

© 2021 Flex srl – P.I. (VAT) 03109290175